Monday 30 April 2012

The Insanity of Marijuana Prohibition

It is time for marijuana laws to be changed. The present day laws are out of step with reality. Theyare not effective. They punish people who are not a threat to society. They cost more than they are worth. The money could be spent on better things than enforcement.
Most people in the US and Canada support a relaxation of the prohibition laws. Many US states have passed medical marijuana laws that permit medical use of the plant. Marijuana law enforcement is a low priority for law enforcement in many parts of Canada and the US.
More and more often, local politicians are coming out against prohibition. These people see the immediate effects of prohibition. It is their budgets that pay for law enforcement and imprisonment. They understand the insanity of spending tax dollars to accomplish nothing.
Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results. This is what our elected officials have been doing. It has become cheaper, more potent and more widely used since being criminalized. That was never the goal. Nevertheless, we continue to spend taxes on prohibition. Clearly, the policy is insane.
It is possible that the policy was simply ill-concieved in the beginning. With time, however, self-serving interests in prohibition have developed. Tough on crime politicians benefit by demonizing marijuana. The police get funding to fight marijuana usage, production and distribution. Corporately, marijuana prohibition is beneficial to the liquor and tobacco industries.
As positions hardened and usage increased one other interest benefitted as well. Fortunes were made by criminal elements. Not surprisingly, along with the crime came violence.
While criminals, corporations, law enforcement and politicians reaped the benefits of prohibition, many ordinary citizens were hurt. Small amounts of cannabis could lead to a criminal record. A criminal record can hamper job prospects and travel.Worse, millions of people have been incarcerated.
It's about time we admitted that prohibition hurts good people, and benefits the wrong people. Prohibition has not worked.The harm done by the plant is miniscule compared to the harm wrought by prohibition. Given that prohibition has resulted in wider usage, cheaper prices,increased potency, rich criminals, more violence and wasted tax dollars, its clear that the time to repeal the laws has come.Most important, the responsible adult citizens of both democracies, Canada and the US, want prohibition repealed. The time for action is now.

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