Sunday, 1 January 2012

Germinating Marijuana Seeds

Germination is a natural process. We don't need to help very much. All we need to do is provide a suitable environment and let it happen.
They must remain warm.They need to be kept moist. They need to be kept in the dark.They need a regular exchange of air. This is easy.
First, get a clean glass.Fill it with distilled water. Drop the marijuana seeds into the glass. Put everything in a warm dark place. The cupboard over your fridge is an ideal place.

The amount of time needed for germination varies. It can take 24 hours.It can be as long as two weeks. The water needs to be replaced every few days. When germination occurs the marijuana seeds split and a tiny taproot emerges.
There is another traditional method. Layer some paper towels. Get two similar plates. Put the paper towels on the plates and moisten them. Don't let the edges of the towel overlap the edge of the plate.
Place the marijuana seeds between the layers. Cover this with second inverted plate. Put the combination in a warm place.
Whenever you check the marijuana seeds let the condensation run back onto the paper towel to keep it moist. This will save you adding more water. When the marijuana seeds germinate you'll see a root tip emerge or at least a split seed cover.
Plant the marijuana seed with the pointy end down. The root tip will push into the medium and anchor the seedling, and push the seed to the surface. It will need fresh air and light as soon as this occurs.

There is another way for germination to occur.Simply take the marijuana seeds and place them in the growing medium.You can use rockwool, soil or peat pellets.
They must stay warm and they must stay moist.Don't let them dry out.Don't plant them too deep.Place the pointy end down.

The greatest danger in the early days is over watering the marijuana seedling.The stems cannot handle too much moisture and will rot.Let the surface of the planting medium dry before you re-water.
Never let the seeds dry out. They will die.Don't use bleach.Use boiled water or distilled water.Bleach can kill marijuana seeds.